Tom Lancaster

Prof Tom Lancaster
Department of Physics
Durham University
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1913 343536
This is my personal webpage where you’ll find some links to details of my research and some selected teaching resources. It is currently rather old and needs updating. My official university webpage may be found here, which contains an up to date publication list.
General relativity for the gifted amateur
A new book by Stephen Blundell and I will be published in January 2025. For further details, see the book’s website.
Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur
A book by Stephen Blundell and I, introducing the quantum theory of fields, is available. For further details please see the book’s website.
I’m a Physicist, working in the Centre for Materials Physics, Durham University.
My research is concerned with magnetism and superconductivity in condensed matter, which I investigate by implanting muons into materials. Have a look at my work to date with Durham’s Muon group and also here .
My CV is available here.
I wrote a course called Physics in Society giving an introduction to the philosophy and history of physics. I recently gave another called Broken Symmetry, which is part of the modernized condensed matter syllabus at Durham. In the past I’ve taught the course Mechanics II, which is part of the Foundations of Physics double module. Course material for all of these is distributed via DUO. Please contact me if you require any further information about this.
In recent years I taught the graduate lecture course “Basic notions of condensed matter physics” which has a web page of its own. I also taught an introductory guide to quantum field theory for condensed matter physicists. Further details may be found here.
Some programs that I’ve written
These are (i) old, (ii) were work in progress and (iii) come with no guarantees…
Muon spectrometer simulations
Visualize crystals and magnetic structures

photo: Patent office, Bern.
These pages were updated on 15/10/2024.