Software for simulating muon-spin relaxation spectrometers
Author Tom Lancaster /
last updated 05/09/2013 (see change log)
Part of the work of the Joint Research activity JRA-8 (working within the European NMI3 project) aimed to produce complete instrument simulations to assist in the design and realization of future spectrometers for muon-spin relaxation experiments.
On this site you’ll find my simulation software. The picture below gives you an idea of the geometry that you can manipulate with the programs. The software is based on the Geant4 libraries, which you must have installed to compile the simulations.
Simulation programs for download
A simple instruction leaflet may be downloaded in pdf format:
To run the programs you’ll need both the source code and the runtime software. The source code may be downloaded here:
The runtime software can be found here:
Source code documentation
Some very basic doxygen generated documentation of the source code is available.
- Source code listings
Change log
- 26 June 2006 New version of test software, with possible double muon counting eliminated.
- 23 June 2006 Several bugs in releases of 21/06/06 have been found and fixed. The beampipe radius is now added to the list of things you can specify in the config file. The runtime files will reject a muon whose inital position lies outside the beampipe.
- 21 June 2006 Updated versions of all software released. PSI test time software made available for testing.
- 27 March 2006 File names standardized. Some points clarified in the instruction leaflet (after comments from Toni Shiroka).
- 17 March 2006: Beampipe added to geometry. Additional materials now available. Target thickness now variable. Problems with non-integer fields fixed. now has routine to track multiple hits. Updated instructions. Doxygen code listings added.
- 14 March 2006: First versions of software released on the web.